Monday October 16

6:30 - 8:30 PM
with Ledra
 at ASoP



Travel Photography

Come spend an afternoon with Ledra Woodlee as she passes on her favorite research, gear and travel tips as well as offers up travel composition and subject matter suggestions.

Running her workshop company, Natural Connections Photo Workshops, keeps Ledra on the go – so travel is a huge part of what she does.  She is constantly researching, planning and scouting trips and tips for her clients. This class will help you see what and how Ledra does what she does.

With a background in retail photography sales and service, Ledra possesses a broad collective knowledge of the best travel gear AND what to do with it. Everything she learned in the retail environment only served to deepen her knowledge and ability to help her workshop participants prepare for their trips. This class will have you ready to make the most out of your next big travel adventure.

More info

What do I need for this workshop?

  • Just your wonderful self! Feel free to bring any note taking material you prefer.

Any questions? Contact us here!